Friday, 14th November

Departed Landrail Point, Crooked Island this morning at 10:30 after purchasing fuel and a loaf of Miss Willie’s excellent bread. Motor-sailed forty miles over a calm sea with faint wind directly to Clarence Town Harbour where we anchored near sundown. This course kept us too distant from Little Harbour serving the settlement of Roses to permit seeing it. Both captains aboard Destiny opined that it would be next to impossible to enter and depart it with a fifteenth-century sailing vessel. It must remain for central Bahamas landfall enthusiasts to explain how this might have been accomplished.

The Crusing Guide to the Southern Bahamas, 2009, p. 112, gives a forewarning: “Do not attempt [entering Little Harbour] in strong easterly weather or with a heavy groundswell running, … If a groundswell is running and you are inside Little Harbour, stay put until it abates.”
